“I wish these trials would end so I can get on with my life.”
It might’ve been a sigh. But I knew the Lord heard me and wasn’t shocked by my inward complaint. He already knew, and according to Psalm 139, understood my thoughts. My tiredness brought on by the hardness of the way was no surprise. It’d been a rough six months. And now with this social distancing added to the mix, what next?
“Eternal life never stopped.”
That was His answer. I knew it was Him because I don’t think that fast.
If some stranger had said that to me, I’d feel they were telling me to stand up and face my trials like a man (though I’m a girl). Bite the bullet. And I’d probably be offended.
But I knew His heart behind His words. He didn’t say it as a rebuke, but as a gentle reminder that no matter what storms I’m facing on the outside, ‘I AM the resurrection and the life’ (John 11:25). Living water flows within me because Christ is IN me (John 4, Colossians 1:27). Eternal life continues undisturbed. He's right here and is my very present help no matter the chaos on the outside. So, it’s going to be okay.
Can I hear an Amen?! It’s going to be okay.
